I've been to years and years of therapy and I'm beginning to realize there are actually situations in which therapy is a bad and dangerous idea.
If you're not ready to take accountability, and your therapist isn't skilled enough to guide you through that, therapy can turn into a weekly self pity party and actually make you sicker.
If you're not brave enough to be honest with your therapist about your thoughts and feelings, you will never make any progress in therapy no matter how long you go. The process does not work without gut-wrenching honesty. Therapists can help you build the strength for this gut-wrenching honesty, but it takes time.
If your therapist invalidates or discredits you and you aren't emotionally savvy enough to spot it, your therapist can end up doing long-term damage. When it comes to your therapist, TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!
If your relationship has toxic or abusive aspects, couples therapy can deeply ingrain these aspects. If a toxic or abusive partner goes to individual therapy, they often make an ally of their individual therapist and become even more destructive. (Abuse counselors actually professionally recommend abusive partners do NOT enter psychotherapy until they have been abuse-free for two years.)
Just some thoughts (: