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It Doesn’t Matter If My Articles Are Research-Backed

What changes your life the most won’t be found in a case study

Sam Holstein
4 min readSep 27, 2020


Publications have been rejecting my articles a lot lately for not being science-backed.

These major publications, be they major Medium publications or major magazines in general, are all looking for the same sort of thing: research-backed articles that deliver a clear and tangible reward to readers.

I have nothing against research-backed articles that deliver clear and tangible rewards. They’re delightful and educational to read. They teach me much about how to achieve my goals or get the results I want. And they’re worlds better than most of the articles available on the internet, half-assed productions which provide incomplete scientific backing and paint a simplistic picture of the world (some of which I’ve written).

My problem is that’s just not what I want to write.

I know it’s what makes money. I know it’s what people want to read. And I’ve read the how-tos by successful writers who tell me over and over and over to stop just blabbering on the internet about what I love and start paying attention to what readers want to read.

But I can’t do that. You see, the words that have changed my life the most weren’t…

